Rabu, 19 Oktober 2016

The Result of  PERURI Test

hello Good night all, tonight i'am just wanna share what i'am fell and Explode what in my mind about the result of my test at PERURI. not about the recruitment process  but i will share that in separate section next time not for this time, now is not the right time to share w/ completely and precisely.

As long as my live i'am always trust about the hope and dream i belive that tightly n i can survive till now due to that. but i don't know for this time i''am must keep that or stop. u can imagine when you already on upstair but suddenly you slip, i have special case on my recruitment n one of big problem i think, on the program announcement don't show anything about the result of my fourth step, i think i'am fail on this process n i'm really so sad about that.

you know what exactly that manything that i'am has done, i'am spending more time to do this test, need 2 time for me coming to the Peruri main office (@Palatehan street no 4) to take special test and user interview more than that i'am waiting for my section about +/- 4 hours u can feel how it so boring just to wait for you upcoming then, 

not just that i'am face many thing on previous before i stand up on this step the first absolutely screening CV and the others Document after that Toefl test n need to take at PPM Management office at Jakpus i can pass this one and then Psicology and Psycology interview test on separately need 2 time to doing that at PPM Management Office again u know I'am need permite properly to my office to doing at all dan gw udah menggunakan berjuta alasan agar bisa dapat izin mulai dari control ke rumah sakit sampe ke bank.

GOd give me the others way n i belive may be this is the best for me i don't know what the God plan for my live path  but i'am sure God is the best planner that will replaca it with the best one that i never have  beforely i'am just trust that so i will be okay if i'am thinking like that. n SUDDENLY I have call from PPM MANAGEMENT that apologize to me for the error system actually i'am passed away but the program can't show that so they ask me to follow the next step i'am really happy about that.

below is my track record as along as recruitmnet process,


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