Rabu, 28 Desember 2016


Okeee, long time no see u guyysss
Maybe already a month gone i’am not keep in touch w/ my blog due to didn’t have the right time to writing, oke like my promise previous  today i wanna share to u about” PERURI RECRUITMENT STEPS”

For recruitment 2016 I have faced 8 steps process and Peruri gave otorities this recruitment selection to third part or vendor  there is “PPM Managment”.
Below is the sequence of OPREC and using elemenation sistem if u fail on the previous step u can’t step forward:

1-> Administration Screening
For this part u need Fill it in many question about your profile and your achievement and actually u need to upload your last transcript academic and your certificate
and so much people cut off at this process beside u need GPA above 3.5 u need extra achievement too not only on academic but also non academic would be very usefull.

2-> B. Inggris (TOEFL).
English test this process just have 2 part if i’am not miss it (Little forget how many number of question ) such as Structur and Writing, Reading and without listening. My suggestion explore and enrich your vocab. On this process we have been spare time part by part that mean not continouing and this one could help your concentration and break of your tired.

3-> Psycology test
Psycology test like as psyco test generally Kraplin test, warteg test and the others on this part not only psyco test but also general knowledge you have been faced and i advice u to read my previous post about “Psikology Test” will be usefulll maybe heeheheeh

-> Psycologys interview
Interview by expert psikolog i suggest to u just be your self and make it flow and honestly don’t try to be a liar Honesty is the main point that u need everywhere u taking test and at PERURI Exactly because this one is a company security system and secret of our country. On this process just 1 psikolog has interview u by person.

5-> Verification Doct
Verification doct taken on the same day w/ psycology test just need brought data based on instruction (the original and copy)

6-> Specialist Test
Specialist test it’s mean test that suitable w/ department that u applied if u apply as PPIC staff so the question would be related w/ PPIC matery like on your university so relearn again subject your mayor.

7-> User Interview
user will be ask u about your previous work and your personalize just wanna make sure the result of your psycology test suit w/ your personality actually and definitely accomplish w/ company looking for and the others point is knowledge about work that u apply

8->Medical Check Up
Before you taking MCU test u will be instructed  to fasting 12 hours maximal 14 hours to get the best result. And taking test full body.


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