Sabtu, 23 Juli 2016


                                                          MY FINAL PROJECT


Siti Nurlina1, Syarif Hidayat1
1Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Science and Technology
Al Azhar University Of Indonesia, Sisingamangaraja Street, Jakarta 12110
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Abstract - Lean manufacturing is a concept that can help companies become more efficient and effective especially in terms reducing of  waste. Waste that occurs can Causing non efficiency and influence operating cost of company. In this research Writer identifing waste the production process spun pile PT. Adhimix Precat Indonesia by using Waste Relationship Matrix (WRM), Waste Assessment Questionnaire (WAQ) , Value of Stream Mapping Tools (VALSAT) and Takt Time. The results of this research showing dominant wastes that occur during the production process spun pile are waste of process, transportation and motion with the percentage of each is 28,35 % , 14,12 %, and 13,06 % and based on one of tools value steam mapping that is process activity mapping the application of lean manufacturing process Cycle Efficiency the factory increase as much as 12 % from 70 % to 82 % and lowering the activity of non value added as much as 10% of 11% to 1%.

Kata Kunci : Lean Manufacturing, Waste, Value Stream Mapping Tools

1.1     Background Of Problem
          As providers of concrete products with the amount of a high order PT. Adhimix Precast Indonesia must have a strategy of sustainable and development of intensive plan so that all the needs of consumers and market demand could fulfilled and innovation in strengthen internal management of PT. Adhimix Precast Indonesia to accomplish a purpose maximum profit can be achieved.
          Difficulty in achieving a daily production target as much as 7% of the initial plan had been planned by PT. Adhimix Precast Indonesia due to some activity waste that does not give add value to the production process as unnecessary movement, long lead time, inter location that so far and waiting. One of the effective and efficient management strategies that can be applied to reduce the wastage rate is the concept of lean manufacturing.
1.2 Restriction Of Problem
Restrictions problem in this research are:
1.        Research focused on the process of producing a kind spun pile by PT.Adhimix Precast Indonesia
2.        Historical data used in this research is data production process of Januari – September 2014
3.        Data required in this study focused on the time of the production process and not discuss about cost
4.        The study is limited to the stage of recommendations for improvements to the level of dominant waste.

1.3   Formulation Of Problem
1.        What Type of  Waste is the most dominant in the production process Spun pile by PT. Adhimix Precast Indonesia ?
2.        What activities are non-value added activities in the production of spun pile PT. Adhimix Precast Indonesia ?
3.    How much different value of process cycle efficiency in the production process Spun Pile before and after application of the concept lean manufacturing ?

1.4   Purpose Of Research
1.        Determine and quantify the most dominant type of waste in the production process Spun pile.
2.        Identifying and measuring the activity of non-value added in the production process Spun Pile.
3.        Calculate and compare the value of procces cycle ffficiency Spun Pile before and after application the concept of lean manufacturing.

2.        LITERATURE
2.1  Lean Manufacturing
Lean manufacturing is a systemic and systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste (waste) which includes non value-added activities through continuous improvement.

2.2       Waste
There are seven types of waste are identified by Shigeo Shingo consists of (Hine and Taylor, 2000) Consists of :
1.        Overproduction
2.        Defect or Reject
3.        Unnecessary Inventory
4.        Inappropriate Processing
5.        Excessive Transportation
6.        Waiting atau Idle
7.        Unnecessary Motion

2.3  Value Stream Mapping
VSM is a process of visually mapping the flow of information and material aimed at preparing method and a better performance in the future state map. (Jones and Womack, 2000)

2.4  Value Stream Analysis Tools     (VALSAT)
VALSAT is a tool to map in detail the value stream, which focuses on value adding process so it can be used to find the cause of the waste that is happening (Hines and Rich, 2008). There are seven kinds of detailed mapping tools most commonly used are:
1.    Procces Activity Mapping (PAM)
2.    Supply Chain Response Matrix
3.    Production Variety Funnel (PVF)
4.    Quality Filter Mapping
5.    Demand Amplification Mapping (DAM)
6.    Decision Point Analysis (DPA)
7.    Physical Structure (PS)
Table 2.1 below shows the correlation and usability of each value stream mapping tools for each type of waste.

     Tabel 2.1 Value Stream Mapping Tools 

  (High Correlation and Usefulness) multiplier      = 9
M→ (Medium Correlation and Usefulness) multiplier             = 3
L (Low Correlation and Usefulness) multiplier       = 1

2.5 Concept of  Waste Assessment Models
This model depicts the relationship between the seven waste is overproduction (O), processing (P), inventory (I), transportation (T), defect (D), waiting (W), and motion (M).

2.6 Waste Relationship Matrix (WRM)
WRM is a matrix that is used to analyze the criteria of measurement. Line on waste indicates the effect of each waste with other waste sixth. While the matrix column shows the waste that is influenced by other waste. 

             Tabel 2.2 Matrix WRM
After the degree of strength relationship between waste identified the letters from the table WRM converted into a value with a score of A = 10, E = 8, I = 6, O = 4, N = 2, and X = 0. Table 2.3 below is ilustarsi of waste value relationship value. 

Tabel 2.3 Waste Matrix Value

2.7  Waste Assesment Questionnaire (WAQ)
 WAQ made to identify and allocate waste that occurs on the production line (Rawbdeh, 2005). Assessment Questionnaire consisting of 68 questions that represent the activity, condition or behavior in specific production floor can generate waste. Any questions on the assessment questionnaire consists of three pieces each answer with a weight of 1, 0.5 and 0. The question was categorized into four groups: man, machine, material and method. Ranked end of waste depends on the combination of answers.

Figure 3.1 shows research stage  from the beginning until the end of this research was. This research begin by determining research topic, making formulation of the problem, research objective, distributing questionnaire, data processing and result, for the detail stage can be seen in the Figure 3.1

Figure 3.1 Stages of Research

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