Minggu, 22 April 2018


" A force For Real Change"
Haiii...haiiii... haloooohaaaa....It's been a long time dissapeared and didn't pouring anything in my mind to this blog.
actually i'am "Mudian" type person i mean is my mood up and down, to write something i must be force myself .

Salah satu alasan gw bikin blog sebenarnya biar pada saat hari tua nanti gw punya sesuatu peninggalan tentang pemikiran atau jejak-jejak apa yang gw lakuin dimasa muda yang bisa dibaca atau diliat sama anak cucu gw ceilehhh hahaaha at the same time to remind my self  too karena gambar yang dilengkapi cerita akan lebih informatif dan bermakna rather than capture the moment only like as photo on instagram or the others thing else although not everything i wrote to this blog but this is still meaningful for me.

This post is my first post on 2018 even right now on going to the fourth month already, for these time i will rewrite the content of book "Better Than Before" Mastering the habits of our everyday Lives written by Gretchen Rubin.

Intinya buku ini menceritakan tentang komitment untuk menjalankan perubahan hal-hal kecil dari kebiasaan hidup sehari-hari secara konsisten sehingga membawa perubahan kepada kebiasaan dan karakter personal yang lebih baik yang bisa dimulai dari mengenal diri lo sendiri kemudian lo identifikasi kelemahan atau kekurangan dari kebiasaan lo itu dan lo cari pendekatan yang sesuai dengan karakter lo untuk membentuk  pola kebiasaan yang lebih baik

"Different solutions for Different people" are the red thread that need to implemented in order these method could work successfully. Example : we have two distinct character of people the " Larks ( Morning People) and the "Owl (night people) . The Larks tend go to sleep and wake on the early , Owls do just the opposite, Larks are likely to be happier, healthier dan more satisfied with life than owls, an Owls shouldn't bother trying to form the habit of getting up early to study due to these will be not effective to them but they are could trying study early after dinner consistently.

"Crown Publishers"

Am I a Marathoner, Sprinter, or a Procrastinator ?
The pace habits people prefer to work could elaborated be Marathoner, Sprinter or Procrastinator which one that describe yourself ?
The Marathoner like to work at a slow and steady clip and dislike deadlines.
Sprinter prefer to work in quick, bursts of intens effort, deliberately wait for the pressure of a deadline to sharpen their thinking, they are got their idea in a limit time.
The type of sprinter or marathoner both of them feel good about their work style but procrastinator don't.

Procrastinator may resemble sprinter but still quite different although these two type tend to finish only when they're against a deadline. Procrastinator hate last minute pressure and wish they could force themselves to work before the deadline looms. Procrastinator often agonize about the work they're not doing , which make it hard for them to do anything fun or meaningful with their limit time, they are often rush around doing busywork as a way to avoid doing what they know they have to do.

We can't call the marathoners as a " plodding " or the sprinters as a "irresponsible" they're having their own style to finish their work effectively they're just need to manage their time correctly and making calendar based on their own timeline, However procrastinator are happier when they change their work habits to work more steadily to avoid any agonize over their limitness.

Intinya apapun karakter kalian atau typekal kebiasaan yang kalian bangun sejak dulu kalian tidak harus mengubahnya secara kontras drastis namun bisa dilakukan secara perlahan dan dengan metode ternyaman yang mungkin bagi kalian untuk direalisasikan secara konsisten yang harus kalian cari sendiri seperti apa itu metodenya, to make any change there must be a boost strong from yourself that need to force yourself to doing that identifies every approach that actually works, whether you want to eat more healthfully, stop checking device, or finish a project.

Stop Procrastinating
Start Exercising
Get Organized
Eat Right
Sleep Well
And start enjoying all that life has to offer, Better than Before will start you to working on your own habits :)

Source : Book "Better Than Before "  :-> By Crown Publishers , New York Time Best Seller