Rabu, 09 Maret 2016


Karma Force and Life Is Turning

       Whe the Bird Life He eats ants but when birds Dead the ant that will eat the Bird, Time and state could be changed anytime.

         So Don’t Hurt anyone in pur lives, when we was the stronger remember that the time more stronger than you , the tImes can present anytime and stopping you.

                          One Tree Can make millions of Matchsticks
                          But One matchstickes it can burn millions of trees in a Blink

So bE good and Do Good Y Guys J

Salam Lina Senna .

Karma Berlaku Hidup Terus berputar
       Ketika burung masih hidup, dia makan semut tetapi ketika burung mati maka semutlah yang akan makan burung, waktu dan keadaan bisa berubah kapan saja.

       So jangan menyakiti siapapun dalam hidup kita, ketika kita merasa paling kuat saat ini ingat bahwa waktu lebih kuat dari dari kamu dia bisa hadir kapan saja untuk menghentikanmu.

                    Satu pohon dapat membuat jutaan korek api
                    Tapi satu korek api mampu membakar jutaan pohon.

So bE good and Do Good Y Guys J\

Salam Lina Senna .



             CEO Of NOKIA ever said Like these “ we Didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow we lost”.
Nokia Has been Respectable company, they didn’t do anything wrong in their business, however the world changed to fast. Their Opponent were too Powerful.
              They missed out on learning, misse out on changing, and thus they lost the opportunity at hand to maket it big. Not only did they miss the opportunity to earn big money , they lost their chance to survival.
                 The message of this story is , if you don’t change, you shall be removed from the competition.
It’s not wrong if you don’t want to learn new thing, However if your thought and mindset cannot catch up with time, you will be eliminated.

                   The Point that we catch from this Short Story is :
1.       The Advantage you have yesterday, will be replaced by the trends of tommorow.You don’t have to do anything wrong as long as your competitors catch the wave and do it Right you can lose out and fail. So Do the bEst thing at the right time when the opportunity come tou you and don’t wait eventhough just a minute.
2.       To change and Improve yourself is Giving yourself Second Chance , to be force by other to changes,  is being  discarded.
 So Those who Refuse to learn and improve, will definitely one day become redundant and not relevant to the industry , They will learn the lesson in a hard & Expensive way.
So always Learn, Force and Update yourself Don’t Afraid To chance and Change , and adaptabe with the Era and path your way J.

Reffrensi : www.Facebook.com/ziyad Jawabra.